
Books by Kinnebrew

The Conceits

On Hope (essay)

Artist Statement Aug 1998

Personal Philosophy Statement 2004




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Books By Kinnebrew

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The Orchard (fiction)

Digital Collage (coffee table book)

The Yerkes Project (fiction)

Tick Tock (non fiction)

eYe Think Art (non fiction)

Sleepers (fiction)

This isn't a book for the faint of heart. It has took 22 years to publish this book and I now feel old and confident enough to deal with the blowback or feedback. It was difficult to write and remains, I feel, uncompromising in concept.

Most likely not to be made into a movie or TV series anytime soon.

As expected, like my paintings, it is very surreal and edgy. Some will find it confusing and unclear. Others will recognize the metaphors and I hope the poetry. Many things in this book are derived from a difficult personal experience. New writers I recall, are encouraged to write about what they know.

This book has many errors that I apologize to the reader for. Time is short and I have chosen to move on to other writings rather that fix this old one.